Tuesday, December 23, 2014


I made a breakthrough today with the next installment of The Spiral Effect. Couldn't be more excited. I had written around 7 pages two months ago and then stalled out. So, of course I worked on another story while keep the The Soldier in the back of my mind. The past two weeks, however, my mind pestered me to bring the story back to the front. As typical with my thought process, I allow deterrents and distractions get in the way, whether it be a video game, television, Magic the Gathering, worries, fears, or anxiety. Thank God, however, the story is always churning in my mind. Last night I put away distractions and simply sat in silence to think, pray. Not about the story in particular, but a great many things. However, it allowed my mind to filter out the junk so that this morning, when I came back to The Soldier, I could think clearly. And think clearly I did. I nearly have the entire story lines for The Soldier, The Villain, and The Scientist plotted out. Hopefully, this makes writing the last few stories for this first arc smoother. Go at a faster pace.

I must admit, writing Alex Wonder drained me in a way no other story has. The past few months, since finishing it, has been difficult writing wise. No more. After a few more days of plotting out the rest of The Soldier, I will be back to spending a few hours or more a day writing it.

Until another day.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Changes shine from the horizon, and I couldn't be more excited.