Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Getting there

I have been brainstorming episode 1 of delicate wrinkles season 2. On to the outline stages. Going to discuss Impulse Control. Among other things.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Relate with Me, Damn It!

I have pushed people away.
"No shit. We all have at one time or another, yeah?"
Perhaps. However, even decades after the fact, I obsess over relationships that once were and those that could have been.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


So, I created an account with an MTG trading service. Really great way to save on cards. However, the mail...that dreaded mail has me obsessively checking my cell. Did they receive my trade? Did they send a trade? I need to put my phone away for a bit.

Until sanity returns.