Tuesday, March 29, 2016


But what if I am wrong
What if I fail...

Irrational expectations due to parental misguidance.

It is time to press on, folks. To move past my inferiority complex and do what I do.

I cannot promise dates or a specific timeframe, but I am working on episodes for Season 2.

So far, I have a lot to discuss.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


The fear of a mistake causes pause.
More than pause, really. I freeze. Before pen hits paper, the fear cripples me. So then I procrastinate. I dread. I procrastinate some more.
The weight of the world buries me.
Because I was always wrong as a child.
It makes a difference.

Friday, March 4, 2016


I fear making mistakes. This explains my increased procrastination when the pressure of a story or podcast gets real. I hide in safety:
Video games
A facade, sure, but without the possibility of a life altering mistake.