Monday, June 23, 2014

Book Marketing

So, I decided today that in order to reach more readers, I needed to hit up some sites geared toward new authors and buy some ad space. Total cost was only $65 for three sites, but since I’m on a tight budget for the meanwhile, I’m rather nervous. I’ve never been big on bringing attention to myself, always wanting the work to just speak for itself, but I realize you’ll never sell a book that way.

Now I’m flooded with anxiety. Did I edit and revise the book well enough? Did I fully capture my intention within the story? Is the story any good? Did I write a good enough description? What about the cover? Before publishing on amazon, I was fully confident in my answers to these questions. But now—hell, now I’m just plagued with writer’s remorse. Always happens when I publish a story. However, it’s never been this big. I mean, I truly love everything I have written. Sure, I want to go back and edit a couple of them, make them tighter, and then re-release them. But this story—this story, while just the beginning of a large event, became a part of me.

Alex Wonder…

And his part of the tale isn’t even finished yet. So many more stories to go along with The Spiral Effect. Fifty page shorts, 100 page novellas, maybe even full length novels. Alex Wonder came out to 218 pages. 118 more than I had originally intended, so who knows. But I need more time. Writing is so dear to me, I love it. Especially during summer time. And then school starts again in August. The anxiety. Depression. Angst to be behind this laptop—or pacing in my office—dreaming waking visions of these people and their world. Hence shelling out the cash for ad space.

I hope it works. That people see it, become interested. That they’d buy the book and enjoy it. That maybe it would change them in some way. Leave positive reviews so other’s will purchase it. And then a spiral effect all my own, into my pursuit of writing full time.

My hope. My dream.

Explains the anxiety. The nerves. Because what if the ads don’t pan out? It’s just three sites for one week. Is that enough time—enough space? Probably not. So I have to remind myself to not get discouraged if I don’t sell thirty or more copies during that week of advertising. That I’ll probably have to really break down, sell some more collectables, and purchase ad space that costs 300-600 dollars. Old adage—you get what you pay for.

And then full circle. Is the book worth it? I think so, but I’ve been wrong before. Confidence has never been a defining characteristic of mine. Then again, how many writers can say it is.

So, I will be confident. I will pray. I will have faith. Because through it all, failures and victories, God is bringing me closer to Him one step at a time, so enjoy the moments. They’re short lived.

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