Thursday, July 18, 2013

Digital Publishing Confusion

Yesterday, as I looked over my KDP account with Amazon, as I try to do a few times a week, I noticed that three of my short stories were no longer enrolled with KDP select.  Great, I thought, now I can publish on Google Play and iTunes, reach a new audience.  I figured with how easy it is to publish on Amazon, this would be cake.  A day later and I am still unsure about the process.  Took me about two hours just to submit two short stories to the play store (still not sure I uploaded all the right info because there is no option to preview the cover or story before completing the submission).  It is still in the “processing” mode, and I hope before it goes live, I have a chance to look it over and make sure everything is square—fingers crossed. As for iTunes, their directions didn’t prove any simpler.  So, I may wait a bit before attempting that route. 

Back to writing Yahnolite Histories…


  1. Just publish it at and they will do it publish on iTunes and others for you.

  2. Thank you, Eric. I will check that site out.
