Monday, October 7, 2013

Great Night

Boy howdy. Yes, I'm from Oklahoma. But I love it and am rocking it tonight. Wrote 1439 words tonight. Well, about half of them were during a twenty minute break I had at work, but still, that's a great amount in one day, especially given the short amount of time I get to write. Unless you write, I guess you could never fully understand the joy I feel right now. I had been in quite a slump. So far, three, or maybe it was four, attempts at writing this next arc to the Spiral Effect had been disasters. Couldn't quite get the feel of what I wanted to say and show. The character's thoughts didn't feel right. Came off as forced. I did some praying and meditation, realized I was allowing that ungodly nag of self-doubt cling to my conscious and push me into worry what others might think of the work, how they would receive it. Would they like it, or would I let them down. Of course, I say eFF that. I cannot write properly, wondering how the audience may view the story. It never comes out the way it should. If they like it, they like it. If they don't, oh well. I tell the story to the best of my abilities. I tell the story as its told to me. I cannot do the story injustice by writing it in a way that people may or may not like better. I have to be true to myself and the story. Then, and only then, does it speak to me with such a clear song. Oh, how I love it. Feels great. Super stoked that I am almost finished with page 7, have a total of 2073 words in the bag, and on a fantastic track to this story. Autumn is here with that wonderful crispness that shatters the mortal coil of materialism and gets me to imagine and see the greatness of beyond.

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