Friday, October 9, 2015

Episode One

I have decided to turn the blog into a platform for my podcast. Yes, I created a podcast. At first it surprised me that I would do such a thing. However, after much thought, I remembered my cousin Kelly and I would create radio shows with my old cassette player back in the late 80's. The time we had.

For a few months I have been listening to podcasts for a few hours a day. Can't get enough of the stuff. Crime podcasts seem to be my favorite. The mystery. The intrigue. The unsolved murders. The innocent arrested. It's all interesting stuff. Engaging. Entertaining. And definitely educational. Three important qualities for storytelling if you didn't know already.


I walked away from the computer to go pee (I downed some fresh brewed green tea so now I'm peeing like crazy), and came back to see that once again, my computer had randomly shut down. These sudden and unexplained shutdowns were frequent over a year ago, but after purchasing and installing an SSD, the shutdowns stopped. Well, for the past month they have begun again. About once every few days. I am not a fan of this. No sirree. It could possibly deter my progress with OCD. Hmmm, I hope I don't start obsessing about it shutting off while I am in the middle of writing a groundbreaking paragraph to the Spiral Effect. Or, while I am in the middle of recording my podcast. I constantly save my progress while working on anything; however, I save about once every few minutes. I might have to make it more frequent.
Don't obsess over it.

Anyway, the point? Google saved my progress on this post. I was under the assumption I would need to begin a anew. But that's not the case, so we can move forward.

I have to leave for therapy in about fifteen minutes.

The podcast is going to focus on my mental disorders. Particularly OCD, ADD, and Depression. I plan to discuss my responses to learning about these disorders, how I lived before diagnosis, how I'm currently living, how unblisslfully unaware I was, parental take, medications, basically everything and anything you can think of. I plan to have guests and get into personal stories from my past.
Well, I believe it's important. I truly feel like the Holy Spirit is leading me to do this. Am I crazy? Maybe. But I find more comfort and purpose in things like this than working a 9-5 and sitting in front of the TV after a mind numbing day of work.

I want this to be light. Conversational. Fun. Hopeful. Encouraging.
Plus, I like to talk about deep stuff and have found it very difficult to find people who want to listen. So, if you're one of those people who like to listen and find this fascinating, funny, sad, whatever. Awesome. I'm glad you're a part of this.

Time to get ready for my appointment.
Later world.

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