are very difficult for writers. At least for this one. So, I thought I would make an effort and submit another blog post to coincide with the one from yesterday. Coincide? More like two distant cousins walking by in happenstance. Nothing in common. Not much to do with each other. But their cousins, so hey.
Oh well. Two posts in two days. Who cares whether they mesh or not. I have my reasons.
Only one, really. I am trying out the whole "write every day" mantra (and mean it) even if it requires the scribble (or typing) of incoherent gibberish or filth that has nothing to do with a novel, short story, or script I happen to be writing. Yes, I need something to unleash the torrential whirlwind of characters, plots, dialogue, settings, descriptions--the madness, the insanity--tumbling and exploding everyday. Each day about fifty different conversations occur in my head. Different people with different lives. No, not once do I ever believe they are ever "me" and act like him or her (however, I will converse with them). But they live here (or transmit their messages) and I do my best to listen and remember what they say or do to write down later. I am not always faithful in my endeavors, but I do try. Hopefully these efforts grow as the future steps forward.
A random note:
I am testing out various prices as an hypothesis to marketing and enticing people to buy my short stories and novels. I become skeptical when I see a book priced cheap or free as its normal price. However, if it is marked down from 7.99 or higher, I am more inclined to buy it. Screwed up, I know, but that is the human condition. We are skeptical people prone to believe the negative and doubt the good. More on that in another blog.
Be sure to check out my friend's band, When the Clock Strikes. The band has a music video on YouTube:
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